Dartmouth digital arts


I took 3D modelling (CS22) and 3D Animation (CS24) at Dartmouth. Here are a few things I made.

Custom biped

I modelled and rigged a spaceman, and animated the following short video with it:


There were no hard rules to follow for this one, so I built off the biped I was making.

I was trying to express how I feel when I’m doing math— there’s so much beautiful complexity and you’re just trying your best to contain it in a way you can understand and use.


One of my favorite movies, and one that heavily influenced the aesthethic I’m drawn to, is Tron: Legacy. For this assignment I tried to recreate a room from it.

This was my first assignment in the class, and there are a number of things I wish I would have done better. I had initially intended to include a lightcycle, but it turned out to be beyond my skillset at the time. I also think I could have played more with the shadows and color, to make parts of the scene pop out more.

Animation Short Movie

For our final project in animation class we could pick a model and create a very short movie with it, something that communicated a change in emotion.

One of my biggest influences in animation has to be Tom and Jerry, and I tried to draw on the way Tom would sneak around and jump off screen.
